Life in Bendigo.

Talk about anything here. ( non pigeon related please)
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Great Britain

Seen that what a great bird
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Location: Bealiba Australia

Yes, it is a great result.
And some people will ask, how will that pigeon train on as an old bird?
Answer, It won't.
By now it has been sold for a lot of moneeey :o :D , or has been put in the stock loft.
Well done that man. :D
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
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Great Britain

Enjoy the weather Murray, nice to have the sun on your back.
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Location: Bealiba Australia

We have had a large wet weather system moving over the south east of Australia, dampening the climate hysterics' cries that the early bush fires will destroy the state. Never mind, they will carry on regardless. :P :lol:
We have had a fair bit of rain, the Bendigo creek, which runs through the city, is well up within a few hours. The birds would not have cared, but I kept them in because it was getting colder and I didn't want to be out in it too long.
I was still out there for a fair while, scraping out and sweeping and putting some fresh paper and nest bowls in. I have 4 pairs with big nest squeakers, and the boxes were getting a bit messy.
Anyway it is a wet old night, and the birds are fed and clean and dry and happy. Loft is all closed up and snug.
That's what matters. :D
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
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Great Britain

Can i ask you Murray, what is the best time of the year do you enjoy? I think you have to find the right balance myself, taking into account your own daily life. I feel with the changing world, this will have a bigger effect on how and when we do things. I hope you have a great day.
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Location: Bealiba Australia

I enjoy every day, Devo. I have a very comfortable life, and am pretty content. I think that shows in my birds, which are also pretty content. When I go in the loft I have pigeons sitting all over me.
Every season is just as important to me. At present the pigeons are breeding, and the shed is full of babies. A few are flying and every box has nest youngsters or eggs in it. Babies everywhere!
Now I am retired I have plenty of time to mess about with them, so they are quieter than ever, if that's possible :D
Training the youngsters I find very satisfying. Seeing them learn and develop, and become 'street wise' always makes me happy. And of course, racing. After all, that's the whole point, isn't it? As an old Dutch flyer once said, "Pigeons are to race".
We don't go away much, we have had plenty of adventure in our lives. We have three cats and a shed full of pigeons, and wild birds and fish and a garden to care for. So :D for me the pigeons are a 365 day a year thing.
And that suits me fine :D
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
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Have you moved yet Murray
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A great roundup of your life Murray. So nice to hear you enjoy your home environment.
Back just enjoying club racing for the time being.
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Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:37 am
Great Britain

:(So good to hear Murray, i was talking to Maria last night, I was talking to her about now the birds have gone, i am finding it hard having to much time doing nothing. Her answer was why dont you go on holiday. The doctor has told you, no birds health is more important. :( :( :(
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Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:57 am
Location: Bealiba Australia

No, George, health is not more important.
I have lung diseases which will kill me, simple as that.
So, I have bred more youngsters this year than I ever have. I don't know how long I have here before my Saviour calls me away, so I just plan to do whatever I want, being reasonable, before I go.
Keeping pigeons won't kill me. I am dying already. It won't save me, but I bet it will prolong my life.
The best medicine is a happy heart. :D
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
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