Life in Bendigo.

Talk about anything here. ( non pigeon related please)
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Good to see back safely
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That’s great to hear Murray. Always a worry the first time they leave the loft regardless of who they are. Once they have been off and back down we can stop worrying so much.
Back just enjoying club racing for the time being.
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Andy wrote: Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:48 am That’s great to hear Murray. Always a worry the first time they leave the loft regardless of who they are. Once they have been off and back down we can stop worrying so much.
Yep, that's always true, but when they are worth, umm, 'quite a lot of money' :shock: , and they have been given to you as a gift, you do feel bad about losing them.
David knows every pigeon at my place flies out. When he told me I needed to go to his place because he had a present for me, he knew it was not going to be kept as an ornament. It is too late to race this year, so he was happy for me to have it.
Blokes who give you pigeons off their very best pigeons, and tell you they hope you will beat them with them, they are rare. Very rare.
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
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Murray wrote: Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:56 am
Andy wrote: Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:48 am That’s great to hear Murray. Always a worry the first time they leave the loft regardless of who they are. Once they have been off and back down we can stop worrying so much.
Yep, that's always true, but when they are worth, umm, 'quite a lot of money' :shock: , and they have been given to you as a gift, you do feel bad about losing them.
David knows every pigeon at my place flies out. When he told me I needed to go to his place because he had a present for me, he knew it was not going to be kept as an ornament. It is too late to race this year, so he was happy for me to have it.
Blokes who give you pigeons off their very best pigeons, and tell you they hope you will beat them with them, they are rare. Very rare.
I know exactly what you mean Murray. Same for me with the birds that members send me. Even more of a worry when they start going out than my own bred ones.
Back just enjoying club racing for the time being.
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Great Britain

Murray wrote: Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:56 am
Andy wrote: Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:48 am That’s great to hear Murray. Always a worry the first time they leave the loft regardless of who they are. Once they have been off and back down we can stop worrying so much.
Yep, that's always true, but when they are worth, umm, 'quite a lot of money' :shock: , and they have been given to you as a gift, you do feel bad about losing them.
David knows every pigeon at my place flies out. When he told me I needed to go to his place because he had a present for me, he knew it was not going to be kept as an ornament. It is too late to race this year, so he was happy for me to have it.
Blokes who give you pigeons off their very best pigeons, and tell you they hope you will beat them with them, they are rare. Very rare.
Great to hear he is back safely and non the worse for his experience mate 👍 sounds like he is going to be a valuable member of your team, I hope he does well for you 🤞👍😀
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Location: Bealiba Australia

Different subject, :D

I was emptying some dirty nest bowls into the organic waste bin, (that's the one with the GREEN lid, that is a hint :mrgreen: :lol: ), and a baby magpie was standing on another of our bins.
It watched me brushing out the bowls, and jumped over onto the green waste bin. When I held my hand out it hopped onto it, and looked up at me. When I put my face down it poked it's beak in the corner of my eye, then felt all around my face with it's beak.
I swear I am not making this up.
When I stood up it jumped back. I went inside and grabbed a few of the supermarket cat biscuits we feed the magpies. It jumped back on my hand and was eating them, but was not impressed. Then, away it went!
10 minutes later it was back, looking for more.
I am not sure what the best description is for this. Catherine was watching, she said, "that made your day".
It did.
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
Posts: 5821
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Great Britain

I did put a reply up but after taking a while to write as was a big story kept saying need to sign in and eventually I lost it so gave up
Posts: 5821
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Great Britain

Murray wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:55 am Different subject, :D

I was emptying some dirty nest bowls into the organic waste bin, (that's the one with the GREEN lid, that is a hint :mrgreen: :lol: ), and a baby magpie was standing on another of our bins.
It watched me brushing out the bowls, and jumped over onto the green waste bin. When I held my hand out it hopped onto it, and looked up at me. When I put my face down it poked it's beak in the corner of my eye, then felt all around my face with it's beak.
I swear I am not making this up.
When I stood up it jumped back. I went inside and grabbed a few of the supermarket cat biscuits we feed the magpies. It jumped back on my hand and was eating them, but was not impressed. Then, away it went!
10 minutes later it was back, looking for more.
I am not sure what the best description is for this. Catherine was watching, she said, "that made your day".
It did.
Going to have another go

What a brilliant thing to happen, wished I could get up close like that they just fly away here, when was a kid my brother found a baby magpie on floor down the road and got it back home nurtured it back to health and when it was ready to fly used to let it out it's box and it was up and away always returning and coming back to roost, lady few doors away used to hate it every time she pegged her washing out it would pull pegs back out and washing would fall to floor lol lol shouldn't laugh really but was funny at time, one day when about 8 months old it went off and never came back
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Always nice to have a closeness to nature. I have a customer that buys day old chicks from me to feed to a crow that she has had for a few years. I think it was injured when she first had it. The Robins and Blackbirds are the ones that can get quite tame around here.
Back just enjoying club racing for the time being.
Posts: 3430
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Great Britain

Murray wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:55 am Different subject, :D

I was emptying some dirty nest bowls into the organic waste bin, (that's the one with the GREEN lid, that is a hint :mrgreen: :lol: ), and a baby magpie was standing on another of our bins.
It watched me brushing out the bowls, and jumped over onto the green waste bin. When I held my hand out it hopped onto it, and looked up at me. When I put my face down it poked it's beak in the corner of my eye, then felt all around my face with it's beak.
I swear I am not making this up.
When I stood up it jumped back. I went inside and grabbed a few of the supermarket cat biscuits we feed the magpies. It jumped back on my hand and was eating them, but was not impressed. Then, away it went!
10 minutes later it was back, looking for more.
I am not sure what the best description is for this. Catherine was watching, she said, "that made your day".
It did.
Brilliant story Muzza, your Magpies really do trust you 👍😀 it is quite something when wild creatures become that friendly and trusting.
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