I can agree with you Andy that we all have our own ways of keeping and managing our birds, and its up to each person to determinev how happy they are.
Me, I'm not going to try and persuade you to change your ways because firstly I know I'm wasting my time, and secondly I know you're happy with the way you do things
Murray, I appreciate what you're saying about the racing over there being so open. Me, I grew up competing in the polar opposite environment
Rugeley is a mining town in Staffordshire and at our peak we had 88 members sending over 1,000 birds a week in the 1970's
The radius of the club was only 1 mile circular from the Town Hall. I could see 37 lofts from my back garden
Let me tell you, you didn't need to go to clock opening to understand if you were behind or not.
You knew within 20 secs of the 1st bird arriving if you were close or not
If your birds missed and did a whip round or two you were toast - simple as that
That's the environment I was nurtured in
I sold my own birds in 2007 but I'm still involved in the game through various means, doing online auctions and helping friends out with advice when they want it
Let me tell you a true story, because it has an impact on what we're discussing
Phil Bourke had bought birds off our partnership years ago but I wouldn't say I knew him very well
About 2.5 years ago a van went off the road at 60mph, went through a stone wall and crashed into the 3 cars on my drive
It was only the cars being there that stopped it coming through the house
To cut a long story short when the insurers gave me the nod I got Phil to do all the repair work on the house and wall
That's where the relationship got stronger
We'd talk pigeons daily, and he'd hear me on the phone to Gordon Bros daily (because we always speak daily and have done for over 20 years)
At that point I think Phil got his eyes opened in terms of "mindset" and "attention to detail".
So, from the start of the 2022 season I started to help Phil a little with medications/supplements and such like
Prior to that, with respect, Phil wasn't winning many cards and races a year
With the same set of pigeons Phil hasn now won 30 x 1st since the start of the 2022 season
So the way I fly pigeons might not be everyone's cup of tea but I know what works and what doesn't
I don't do pigeons to make up the numbers
Last week Phil decided he wasn't loving the weather and left the cocks at home and only sent hens
His hens were 2nd and 4th and their velocity would've won 4 or 5 Clubs locally
That didn't make them good birds, far from it
When I sae the cocks droppings on Sunday morning (see below) I didn't like them - especially as they hadn't raced on Saturday
I sent them to 4-5 trusted friends who didn't feel there was too much amiss though.
Nonetheless I'm prepared to back my instincts and I told Phil we needed to intervene - and whilst we're at it sort the hens out too
You can see this weeks result on the "Guess the time" thread
You can also see the droppings on Friday below too - I'm much happier with them.
My birds never lived on medication, and neither do Phil's, but I will be proactive and step in if I feel it necessary
My experience has taught me that if you wanna race here in Rugeley on clean food and clean water all the time not only will you not win you'll get
Not only will you get beat but you'll go home with 50 shades of naff all in your arse pocket
How do I know this? I've seen dozens of local fanciers fly that way against the "proactive" lofts and they eaten alive
That's why I am the way I am and I believe what i believe and if you wanna be competitive all the time then you have to be proactive
Bury your head if you like, but against good competition you'll invariably come unstuck