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After a few crazy days

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 10:07 am
by Devo1956
Well while in Spain.i got a phone call from respite home, the home caring for my sister in law Jeanette. Saying Jeanette would have to return home early, So could i pick her up from the day centre when i return to the Uk. I was told it was a health and safety issue, but not told why it was and just got told she had to come home early.

On Thursday i picked Jeanette up with my wife Maria, to be honest we were shocked. She did not look well and looked like she had never had a wash for days. The staff at the day centre told us they had made complaints to the respite home, they reported Jeanette was unwell and should not be in the day centre.

We took Jeanette home at 3.10 pm, and Maria gave her a shower but there were marks on her legs. She said things were not right with Jeanette, after a few hours things changed in Jeanette health. Resulting in her going to Hospital and being kept in for 48 hours on a drip, also had to have a Lumba punch to check were infection was. Thank god we come home in time to deal with this, but i am not happy that the care home. Failed in their duty to care for Jeannette, by not taking her to walk in centre or hospital to get her checked. Instead they sent her into day centre where she could have past on infection to other service users.

The respite home have tried to brush it under the carpet saying nothing was wrong, but sorry they keep forgetting i have a diploma in welfare studies and Nvq level 4 in care management. So let this case begin.

Jeanette is home safe with us now, but i do wonder what if i stayed in Spain for longer. Would she still be with us.

Re: After a few crazy days

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:47 pm
by George and Morgan
dev did reply but lost it not very well will post later

Re: After a few crazy days

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:42 pm
by Devo1956
George and Morgan wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:47 pm dev did reply but lost it not very well will post later
I hope you are ok mate, just get yourself better.

Re: After a few crazy days

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:50 pm
by Andy
Doesn’t sound very good mate. Glad to hear you’ve got her home. Hope you can get things sorted.

Re: After a few crazy days

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:53 pm
by Devo1956
Andy wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:50 pm Doesn’t sound very good mate. Glad to hear you’ve got her home. Hope you can get things sorted.
Yes Mate, she will have a few days rest before we allow her to go back to day centre. Its going to be testing she loves the place, but safety first like it should have been from the start.

Re: After a few crazy days

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:42 pm
by Andy
Yes I agree mate.

Re: After a few crazy days

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 8:34 pm
by Trev
Sorry to hear you bought back down to earth with a hefty bang after your break, that must have been horrible for you all especially Jeanette. Good to hear she is back in your care and is doing ok mate, best wishes to you all.