Global warming.

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Posts: 2546
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:37 am
Great Britain

I have just been chatting to a mate of mine, Vadim from Moscow Russia. He was telling me the temps over there today was + 1, Vadim moved from Siberia a few years ago. He told me he was out in temps -40, it was so cold that he thought his cheeks were going to crack. So there is a change in Global climate around the world.
Posts: 2740
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:57 am
Location: Bealiba Australia

Yes there certainly is.
For the second summer in a row we are having lower than usual temperatures in Victoria. We expect days of mid 40 degree temperatures, sometimes for days on end. Baking heat, severe bush fires all of that.
This year we are getting weeks on end of high 20's to mid 30's, with around 30 being normal. I must say it is much easier to live in.
The rainfall is higher than normal, and the farmers are harvesting huge crops.
If this is climate change, I am all for it. :D
Greetings from the land down under. :D
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for verily, he shall not be disappointed.
Posts: 3430
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2022 10:26 pm
Great Britain

There is no doubt that the climate and weather patterns are changing I just don't agree with what those supposedly in the know blame it on !!! At the end of the day Climate and the weather patterns have been constantly changing since the beginning of time, that's nature, we are definately responsible for the over population.
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